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spy novel Silent Cats

     Before becoming an award-winning spy thriller novelist, Mr. Wallace was a ten-year CIA legacy who became a psychological operations officer, deception expert, and Intelligence Star recipient leading Task Force 121 to the Saddam Hussein “spider hole”. His career ended when an IED/ambush attack left just two members of his 14-member UNSOG-Hunter/Killer platoon alive. For the next 20 years JD worked as a coveted private contractor whose primary clients were “Fixers” of international law firms, who represent Sovereign families, leading operations such as corporate infiltration, moving assets of questionable provenance (including freeport Nazi assets), and removing teenagers--who have more money than sense--from sticky situations. some examples of these unique operations include:


1.  Conspiracy theory investigations of the mass population manipulation specialists behind Cambredge Analytica/SCl Elections/QAnon groups, the history and propagation of N.E.S.A.R.A, the hierarchy behind the Global Currency Reset ("GCR"), and the infamous "dead currency" ReValuation ("RV") of "Dinar" and "Zim" to name a few.


2.  Hostage rescue contracts with AIG, Zurich, and Lloyd's of London Kidnap, Ransom, and Extortion (KRE) insurance programs.


3.  Overt security for a number of high-profile celebrities.


4.  Transportation of significant amounts of current and dead currencies, Gadhafi assets, Chinese and American historical bonds ("Wells Fargo" boxes and "Dragon" boxes).


5.  Identification and rendition of high value gems, metals and unique assets, including a once-Hitler-owned Mercedes Benz 770, and several famous works of art, including the Portrait of a Young Man by Raphael (valued at over $100 million). 


Mr. Wallace is considered to be one of the top corporate infiltrators in the world … working for such companies as NSA, Volkswagen, Warner-Lambert, Oracle, McAfee, Hewlett Packard, Royal Dutch Shell, and Starwood Hotels & Resorts are but a few.


SILENT CATS: Deadly Dance is his first novel of a possible six book series. Book two is currently under construction as are several TV and Feature screenplay scripts. Stay tuned.


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